Second Grade Art Lesson 6
Looking at Totem Poles, Part 1
The student will search for and examine Indian Totem Poles using reference materials in the arttango program as well as materials provided by their teacher and the internet if it is available. The students will design their own totem poles on paper to work from in our next lesson.
Books and other resources on Indian Totem Poles (if internet access is available check the arttango resource website for links on the subject), paper and pencil, each student will need two aluminum (soda) cans and a 4 x 6 sheet of color construction paper to wrap around each can
Begin today's class discussion by defining Totem Poles as hand made structures typically built by various Indian tribes signifying achievements, accomplishments and/or who they are as a family or tribe. Most totem poles were carved out of wood and many were painted with bright colors. Tell the class you want them to look at and draw totem poles from Indian tribes. If you are or will be studying a particular Indian tribe be sure to look up totem poles from that tribe as well. Not all tribes built totem poles but many did. Have the students look carefully at pictures and read any relevant information. Ask them to copy totem poles that appeal to them. Each child should draw at least two different totem poles. Once they have these drawings and have reviewed what different animals represented, have them design a totem pole to themselves and/or their family. Store the drawings in a safe place until next week's lesson. If time permits, have the students cover each of two aluminum cans with a sheet of construction paper that has been cut to the right height (usually just over 4) by wrapping the paper around the can then securing it with tape. Store these in a safe place to complete in our next lesson.
Have the children tell what they have learned about totem poles. Ask them to describe poles they drew and encourage them to continue thinking of the best design for their own totem pole.
Artwork and Examples used in this lesson

Totem Pole Sections

Totem Pole Section Examples
