Second Grade Art Lesson 17
Tissue Paper Portraits, Part 2 Completion and Drawing in Details
The students will complete the work they began last week by using black ink to draw in the details of their self portrait.
tissue paper collage form last lesson, black drawing ink (permanent markers fine tips work best)
Distribute the work from last lesson and have the children use a fine tip marker to delineate the outline of their portrait. Encourage them to vary the quality of the lines they use making some thick and some thin. Try to get them to work slowly to avoid a rushed looking finish. They should add surface lines to show facial features and clothing. For the background, encourage the students to fill it with simple patterns to add interest. Finally, when the drawing stage is complete, have each student sign their name on their work.
Mount the students work on white poster board and display it for everyone to enjoy. Have the children view the exhibit and point out positive attributes of each piece. (i.e. I like how the portrait is drawn, I like the contrast of the warm and cool colors, I like the details or the quality of the lines, etc.)
Artwork and Examples used in this lesson
Student Artwork
Student Artwork