Second Grade Art Lesson 15
Drawing Those We Love
The student will consider what is most important to them about their family and the things they do together and represent it in a crayon drawing.
white paper and crayons
Today I want us to spend some time thinking about the people that are most important to us. Take some time to consider the people who take care of you and spend time with you. This would most likely be your family, but it could be a grandmother, grandfather, teacher, neighbor, or other person who is very important to you. Think about the things you do together. Where do you go, if anywhere? It might be you favorite time is staying home and playing a game of cards or reading books or counting stars. Think seriously about it and I want you to use what you have learned in art so far to represent the situation with someone you love. Draw large. Make your figures (people) fill up the paper and put as many details as you can. Once you have the entire drawing lined off color it in solidly. Press hard enough with your crayons to make it show up well. You may want to blend you colors. Be sure you control your crayons and do not get in a hurry and scribble. Fill your entire page with color and make your drawing as interesting as you can.
Before you call you drawing finished check to make sure you have filled in all of your paper. Make sure you have controlled your crayons and colored solidly so we can easily see your drawing. Write a note on the back of your drawing and give it to someone who is in your picture.
Artwork and Examples used in this lesson
Mary Cassatt On the Balcony During Carnival. 1873
Edgar Degas At the Beach. 1876
Paul Gauguin Breton Girls Dancing, Pont-Aven. 1888
Claude Monet The Picnic (Le dejeuner sur l'herbe). 1865-1866
Student Artwork
Student Artwork