Fourth Grade Art Lesson 8
Working with Patterns, Part 2 Completing Our Leaf Drawing with Background
The student will complete their giant leaf drawing by filling in the background with the patterns and color spectrum that they used on the inside of their leaf.
work from last week, crayons
Look carefully at your leaf drawing and make sure you have filled in all of your paper solidly with color. Correct any areas that my look as though they have been scribbled in. To complete your drawing, we will basically do the same thing in the background that we did on the inside of your leaf only we will put the patterns behind the color spectrum and put the color spectrum behind the patterns. Basically it is repeating the work you did last week only on the outside of your leaf. Patience and perseverance will be required. But it will be worth it. Control your coloring and press down to color over your paper solidly.
When your work is completed, hang them on the wall and stand back to view them from a distance. Have you created a dynamic and exciting work of art! Typically these are wonderful works to enjoy and hopefully helped you become more familiar with the plant life in your area. Part of what art is about is learning to look at and examine your world and see the many ways it can be represented.
Artwork and Examples used in this lesson

Student Artwork
Student Artwork

Student Artwork

Student Artwork