Third Grade Art Lesson 21
Looking at Symbols, Part 3 Designing Our Own Symbol
The student will arrange a collection of images to create a family or personal symbol.
White drawing paper, any drawing tool (preferably marker)
If you recall, we spent a good amount of time getting familiar with the Presidential Seal. Now let's look at more symbols from which we can get ideas to create our own symbol. You may be familiar with a coat-of-arms or crest. This is typically a family symbol using flags, symbols, and specific colors to represent a specific family. Review some of the symbols posted. Use these to stimulate your thinking on how you could design a symbol to represent either yourself or your family. Remember that a symbol is a simplified graphic or visual that represents an idea, person, or thing. You may need to combine several simplified symbols to create one finished design which represents yourself or your family. Once you have a plan, draw it off lightly onto your white paper. Make your color selections carefully. You might use all one color or your design might work better using a color combination or color scheme. Control your markers. Make sure your design fills the paper.
Have the students present their designs to the class and explain the different elements of their symbols. Mount their work and display for everyone to enjoy.
Artwork and Examples used in this lesson
Symbol Example
Symbol Example
Symbol Example
Symbol Example
Symbol Example
Symbol Example