Third Grade Lessons

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Art Lesson Grade Levels

Third Grade Material List

Art Terms and Definitions

Thank You for choosing the Arttango Online Art Course to educate your students.

Begin by reading the lesson, then gather the materials for the project. Work through the project with the student to achieve the objective.

Each lesson builds on the previous one, so try to present each lesson in order to provide the student with the building blocks for a strong foundation to a comprehensive art education. There is a lesson per week for each grade level.

Third Grade Art Lesson 2

Name Designs


The student will create a design using their name focusing on the art element line.


White drawing paper, markers, crayons, and colored pencils


Begin by talking about the art element line. Have the students describe different types of line (zig-zag, dashed, curvy, etc.). Explain that line is the basic element of art, a tool used to show contour. Distribute white paper to each student and have them lightly draw off their name to fill the entire page. Some students may need to shorten long names. Begin by emphasizing that we want to use line variation to fill in the design of their name. Thick lines, thin lines, dark lines, light lines need to be used around the outside edges of each letter line. The students may choose to use markers, crayons, colored pencils, or all three. Encourage the children to fill the entire paper using lines only with the various media. Emphasize line variation or different line qualities for each letter. Typically this process takes quite a while to fill the entire page. Be patient and encourage the children to do their best work.


Review line and line variation and how this is the most frequently used element of art. Learning to use different line qualities creates more interesting finished work. Be sure to have the kids share their work with each other, mount it on a piece of white board, and display it throughout the school for everyone to enjoy.

Artwork and Examples used in this lesson

Teachers Example

Student Artwork

Student Artwork