Kindergarten Art Lesson 23
Self Portrait Collage, Part 2 Completing our Self Portrait Collage
The students will show their understanding of pattern and detail by completing their collage (adding the face and putting patterns on the clothing).
Collage from last lesson, scrap box of construction paper, scissors, glue stick
Have the students examine their work from last lesson and decide how they can improve their work with details and patterns. Beginning with the face, have the students cut out eyes, mouth and ears (some will want a nose and feel free to let them do so). Have them glue these parts down as they cut them out. Next have the children look around at each others clothing to find examples of patterns. Talk about the lines and shapes used to design the patterns they see. Encourage them to pick a pattern and simplify it into shapes and/or lines. Cut these out of paper and have them glue the patterns onto the clothing. Suggest they design a simple pattern for the background also.
Have the children display their work for everyone to look at and enjoy. Point out the positive parts of their work, for example, did they use their whole piece of paper, did they make interesting color and/or pattern selections,
Artwork and Examples used in this lesson
Teacher Example
Student Artwork
Student Artwork