Kindergarten Lessons

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Art Lesson Grade Levels

Kindergarten Material List

Art Terms and Definitions

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Begin by reading the lesson, then gather the materials for the project. Work through the project with the student to achieve the objective.

Each lesson builds on the previous one, so try to present each lesson in order to provide the student with the building blocks for a strong foundation to a comprehensive art education. There is a lesson per week for each grade level.

Kindergarten Art Lesson 1

Introduction to the Art Element Line, Part 1


The students will be introduced to the art element line and use a type of line called contour lines to create a self-portrait.


One 12 x 18 white paper, crayons and markers


Begin by talking about how the elements of art are to art what the ABCs are to reading. Introduce artist Paul Klees contour line drawing of himself located at the bottom of this project description. While showing his work talk about how a Contour drawing is a single line that defines the outer surface edges of a person or object. Define self-portrait as a drawing, painting or sculpture of the artist that created it. Tell the class that each of them will do a contour line drawing of themselves. Children may benefit from having a mirror to look at while they work. Begin by choosing a Crayon to use on the 12 x 18 paper. Place your crayon at one point and push it around the paper to create a drawing of yourself. Emphasize the importance of going slowly and looking carefully as you go up the arm, across the shoulder, up the neck around the outside of the hair and back down the other side in the same way. Emphasize that they draw large to fill the paper. Have them include their eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Do not push for beautiful work but rather for accurate lines which follow the contour of the upper body. Encourage the kids to have fun as they work They may need to do this exercise several times until they get a drawing they are happy with. Encourage them to do so. Once they have completed the self-portrait, have them color the inside of themselves. Next, take markers to trace around the outer contour placing themselves inside a rainbow of color. Fill the remainder of the paper with the rainbow color lines.


Review the definition of contour line and self-portrait. Remind them of Paul Klee, the artist whose self-portrait we looked at. Have them share their work and display it for all to enjoy.

Artwork and Examples used in this lesson

Artwork and Examples used in this lesson

Self-Portrait by Paul Klee


Line Example as Self-Portrait


Line Example with Colored Lines


Student Example