First Grade Lessons

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Art Lesson Grade Levels

First Grade Material List

Art Terms and Definitions

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Begin by reading the lesson, then gather the materials for the project. Work through the project with the student to achieve the objective.

Each lesson builds on the previous one, so try to present each lesson in order to provide the student with the building blocks for a strong foundation to a comprehensive art education. There is a lesson per week for each grade level.

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First Grade Art Lesson 20

Working with Texture, Heart Collage


The student will know what the art element texture is and will make rubbings of a variety of textures. The student will use their rubbings to create a collage of textured hearts.


White paper, scissors, glue sticks, surfaces to take rubbings from (i.e .canvas board, crumpled aluminum foil, concrete block or wall, wood, sandpaper, etc.), crayons without wrappers


Today we are going to focus on the art element texture. Texture is the quality of a surface and using visual texture in our work lets us know how something might feel to touch. Texture makes our work more interesting. One way to get texture is by making rubbings of surfaces that have a texture. Take a sheet of paper and lay on top of a surface that has a texture. Use the side of a crayon to rub across the paper to reveal the texture. Change colors w3ith each new texture, or you may want several colors on one texture. Do this with as many different surfaces as you can. Most of your rubbings will be used to cut into shapes, but you will need one sheet to serve as a background. On this sheet, make sure you fill the entire page with your rubbing and select a color you like best. Once you have several different rubbings, we are going to explore the shape of a heart. On scrap paper try drawing a variety of heart shapes. You may have long thin hearts, short fat hearts, big hearts and little hearts. When you feel comfortable with drawing hearts, cut many heart out of your texture rubbings. If you need to draw the heart off, do so on the back of the rubbing so your pencil lines will not show on the front of your collage. Cut large, medium and small hearts for your collage. Once you have these play with them as if they were a puzzle on your background textured paper. Make several arrangements to find the one you like best. Try to fill your entire paper with the textures heart shapes. Us a glue stick on the back of each heart to secure it where you want it to go. Once you have all of your hearts glued down, you may need to take a crayon to outline each heart to help it show up or stand out more. Use thick dark lines to accentuate your hearts.


Today we have learned what the art element texture is the quality of a surface. We have made rubbings of a variety of textures and cut shapes out of those rubbings to make a collage. You could say we have created hearts with feelings! Be sure to mount your work and display it for everyone to enjoy.

Artwork and Examples used in this lesson

Texture Example

Texture Example

Student Artwork

Student Artwork

Student Artwork

Student Artwork