Fifth Grade Lessons

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Art Lesson Grade Levels

Fifth Grade Material List

Art Terms and Definitions

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Begin by reading the lesson, then gather the materials for the project. Work through the project with the student to achieve the objective.

Each lesson builds on the previous one, so try to present each lesson in order to provide the student with the building blocks for a strong foundation to a comprehensive art education. There is a lesson per week for each grade level.

Fifth Grade Art Lesson 28

Flower Studies, Part 3 Completing Our Work to get the Look of Batik


The students will crumple, paint, and wash their drawings to gain an understanding of the basic batiking process.


Last lesson's work, tempera paint, brush, place to rinse the drawing, newspaper


The next step in our batiking process is very difficult. After all the hard work that you have done, you now need to crumple it completely. Take great care in this process, both as you crumple and as you straighten the drawing. You may need to repeat this process several times. Your goal is to create cracks in the thick layer of crayon wax you have built up. The next step is to choose a color of tempera paint to paint across your entire work. Do not worry that you are ruining your drawing. The final step is to take the crumpled and painted work to the rinsing area and rinse the paint off of the wax. How delightful to see the paint showing in those cracked areas! Lay your work on a flat surface to dry.


When your work is dry, spend time looking at the finished drawings. Discuss the results produced by the class. Point out the difficulties and rewards of the hard work you have done. Mount your work and display for everyone to enjoy.

Artwork and Examples used in this lesson

Teachers Example

Student Artwork

Student Artwork

Student Artwork

Student Artwork

Student Artwork

Student Artwork

Student Artwork